Education books truly serve no purpose if they aren’t up to the curriculum standards. This is quite unfortunate considering how much value student books can bring into the classroom, for both teachers and students. While there’s no denying that there are poor quality student books available on the worldwide web, rest be assured with the collection of core curriculum student books available on Tree House Press. However, if you do want to shop around for different student books, you will certainly want to follow these tips on finding optimal, curriculum standard ones.
Understand the Curriculum Standards
As a teacher, the first step to finding curriculum standard education books is to know the curriculum standards. There are many resources for teachers in Ontario in which you can find out the curriculum standards, specific to the grade level taught. The excellent thing about the education books available on Tree House Press is that they are up to curriculum standards for all areas across Canada and the United States. However, to ensure you’re providing your students with optimal education and learning opportunities, it is recommended to become well versed in the specific standards for your area.
Know Where the Education Books Come from
The Internet provides many incredible opportunities for finding resources for teachers and for finding student books. However, it doesn’t take much for someone to set up shop and claim to sell quality education books from your province, state or country. As a rule of thumb, always inquire as to where the education books are coming from and who wrote them. A local company may be local, but they could also outsource to other regions around the world, which could drastically sacrifice the quality of the content. At Tree House Press, all authors are Ontario teachers and as mentioned, are curriculum aligned for all areas across Canada and the United States. So, you can trust the student books content and learning plan when purchasing from Tree House Press.
Educate Yourself on the Company
Furthermore, you may also want to educate yourself on the company that is providing the education books. Understanding their business motive may give you a clear perspective on the quality of education and learning opportunities that they provide. For example, if a company selling student books has no educational background yet claims to be the leading provider for core curriculum student books, you may want to look into them a little more thoroughly. Rest be assured that the creators, staff and authors at Tree House Press are all current or previous educators. Patrick Lashmar is the CEO, president and publisher of Tree House Press and has an extensive and prestigious track record. To name a few, he graduated with a Master of Education degree, was a Language Arts/Literacy Consultation for 28 years, and has sold more than 2.5 million copies of his publications. You can see his education books well across the Tree House Press collections.
Take a Preview
Not all companies that provide education books will offer a preview of their products, but this is certainly something to look into. Having the opportunity to view the structure and content of the student books should give you a good look at the overall quality and education provided. Additionally, extensive information should be provided about the student books, and the lessons within it. This is incredibly important to look at because it will also give you a clear understanding as to whether the student books are up to the curriculum standards. You will also be able to see whether the student books will engage the students with enjoyable lessons.
Tree House Press prides themselves on high quality core curriculum student books that provide optimal education and learning opportunities for students from kindergarten to grade 12. Shop the vast collection of student books available, and ensure that you’re providing your students with optimal experience that is both educational and enjoyable.