How Ontario grade 3 teachers are nurturing better EQAO writing results for less than the cost of your lunch while teaching the entire grade 3 Ontario writing curriculum.
Demystify all the stages of the writing process for all your students for less than $8.00 a year.
Students who use grade 3 writing Personal StudentBOOKS in the classroom become proficient at process writing and develop into confident, successful writers who do better on EQAO writing assessments.
What grade 3 teacher in Ontario hasn't painfully stood by and witnessed too many students being stressed, upset, and demoralized when they are unable to perform the process writing tasks the EQAO Assessment demands? How many teachers are frustrated with board and Ministry initiatives and school improvement plans that just haven't’ worked? Many teachers, parents, and students are disillusioned and even resentful of EQAO testing BUT it is mandatory. Here’s how many grade 3 teachers are achieving better grade 3 EQAO writing results.
Many Ontario teachers have introduced grade 3 writing Personal StudendBOOKS to all their students. These process writing books are written by highly experienced educators who possess a keen knowledge of EQAO as well as the Ontario writing curriculum.
With grade 3 writing Personal StudentBOOKS, every Ontario expectation is taught and every stage of the writing process is developed, creating skilled, confident writers. Unlike the inappropriate “skill-drill-kill” workbooks of the past, these are engaging writing books that are pedagogically sound, curriculum based, and illustrated in full-colour.
Integrate process writing with technology, media literacy, language, reading, and EQAO-like assessments.
In these books every process writing unit offers step by step directions to demystify the process. They are classroom tested process writing units that follow a unique format that is proven to help students succeed. Each unit:
begins by defining a specific genre for each unit followed by a model selection with reading response questions
guides students through activities to generate, gather, and organize the information for the writing because the better the prewriting, the better the first draft will be
leads students through a first draft and revision activities
assists them alone, with a partner, or in small groups to edit and proofread their drafts because the better the revision, the better their final draft will be
finally, students publish their work and engage in creative reflection and extension activities
What’s more, each process writing unit includes technology links to develop writing as well as language links which integrate the Ontario grammar and punctuation expectations with the process writing units. Writing 3 Personal StudentBOOKS also include numerous EQAO-like assessments to assess progress made, determine next steps, and to prepare students with EQAO formats including multiple-choice.
With grade 3 writing Personal StudentBOOKS, you and your students will get the results you want - happy, proficient writers, and improved EQAO scores.
If you are considering using grade 3 writing Personal StudentBOOKS, I highly recommend reading more about the Tree House Press grade 3 Personal StudentBOOK: Writing 3