Teachers need to build a large collection of strategies to teach spelling that are rich, practical and that can be used in a wide variety of situations. Below are some that have stood the test of time.
Exemplary spelling strategies to use:
- Exaggerate pronunciation; say word as spelled. (e.g., Wed-nes-day, k-now)
- Cluster look-alike words. (e.g., elect, select)
- Follow generalized rules for adding suffixes. (e.g., hope-hoping, slam-slammed)
- Use memory aids (e.g., mnemonics (twin is two), visualization, word shape, word pictures)
- Spell words out loud.
- Segment (say by syllable) words. (e.g., re-move, motor-cade)
- Identify root words in related words. (e.g., explored, explorer, exploration)
- Highlight differences between similar words. (e.g., pitcher, picture)
- Use study steps. (e.g., print, look, close my eyes and picture, spell check)
- Slowly say, listen, and picture the word.
- Finger print.
- Underline, circle, or otherwise highlight the hard part.
- Use word families. (e.g., care, hare, fare, rare)
- Fold paper between syllables.
- Tap syllables.
- Think of other words that rhyme.
- Listen to hear a smaller word within the word.
- Use a dictionary.
- Add words to my personal spelling list.
- Picture the word in my mind.
Learn more about spelling strategies on a grade-specific level by clicking below.