The Writing Clinic
The writing clinic provides the teacher and the class with numerous opportunities to assess cooperatively specific pieces of writing. It can be used at the editing stage and at the sharing stage of the writing process. Pupils volunteer to write samples of the writing on transparencies, chart paper, or the...
Free Classroom Lessons on Pinterest
Did you know that Tree House Press has classroom lessons that can be downloaded for free on Pinterest? It's true! If you are on Pinterest, follow Tree House Press and Pin the free lessons here:
Grade 6 EQAO Writing Testing: Exasperating Yet Expected - The Solution
How Ontario grade 6 teachers are managing to achieve better EQAO writing results for less than the cost of a quick drink after work while teaching the entire grade 6 Ontario writing curriculum. Demystify all the stages of the writing process for all your students for less than $8.00...
Randy’s Song: Capturing the Spirit of Tree House Press
I wrote and recorded this in 1977, the year before Tree House Press was born. It speaks to the very soul of the company and continues to be our theme song today. -Pat Lashmar Randy's Song One rainy evening, my wife lay sleepingIn the darkness, I sat hearing the...
Student Writing: Not an Event but a Process
When educators approach writing as a dynamic, creative process, rather than as a static event, students will mature as skilled, confident writers. Use the Process Writing Approach and Watch Your Students Bloom as Writers How often have you watched your students feel defeated and inadequate as, with pencil in hand,...
The End Of K-3 Teaching Interruptions
Resourceful K-3 educators save valuable teaching time, expand their students’ vocabulary and language skills, and present lists of subject specific spelling words by insisting their students use personal word books in the classroom. Stop Teaching Interruptions And Save Precious Classroom Teaching Time We have all been there. You are in...
Grade 3 EQAO Writing Testing: Madding Yet Mandatory - The Solution
How Ontario grade 3 teachers are nurturing better EQAO writing results for less than the cost of your lunch while teaching the entire grade 3 Ontario writing curriculum. Demystify all the stages of the writing process for all your students for less than $8.00 a year. Students who use grade...
Teach The Writing Process In The Classroom On A Budget
Accurately teach and demystify the writing process for your students for less than a cup of coffee. Students who use Writing Portfolios in the classroom become proficient at every stage of the writing process and develop into proud, accomplished writers. For many students, the writing process is a strange and...
What Ontario Teachers Are Doing To Improve EQAO Scores
Many teachers have just endured an especially frustrating and stressful round of Grade 3 and Grade 6 EQAO testing - that annual event that can be stressful for teachers and demoralizing for many students. In spite of various Ministry and Board initiatives, school improvement plans, and the best efforts of...
Ontario Schools Address EQAO Testing with Personal StudentBOOKS
Ontario Grade 3 and Grade 6 teachers have finished yet another stressful round of EQAO testing. Although this annual testing is frustrating for teachers and can be demoralizing for students, the EQAO tests are not optional. Despite how relevant or irrelevant this testing is perceived to be, no teacher or...
What Will It Take To Make EQAO Math Scores Improve In Ontario?
In spite of various Ministry and Board initiatives, school improvement plans, and the best efforts of teachers, too many students are struggling with EQAO Math assessments year after year. Many teachers have just endured an especially frustrating and stressful round of Grade 3 and Grade 6 EQAO testing - that...