Acrostic Poem - Blue Jays
Download and print this free Acrostic Poem poetry poster for your classroom. Download the Full Size File Here (Right click then 'Save Link As')

A Funny the Way Poem - Laughter
Download and print this free A Funny the Way Poem poetry poster for your classroom. Download the Full Size File Here (Right click then 'Save Link As')

A Four Stanza Poem - Dropping In For the Game
Download and print this free Four Stanza Poem poetry poster for your classroom. Download the Full Size File Here (Right click then 'Save As')
Effective Ontario Curriculum Reading Response Activities
Reading response activities allow the students to interact with the text and put it into their own words, so they understand the selection more fully. These activities also allow teachers to analyze each student's' comprehension, emotional and thought processes about the material being read, so they can implement appropriate literacy and...
How to Find Curriculum Standard Education Books
Education books truly serve no purpose if they aren’t up to the curriculum standards. This is quite unfortunate considering how much value student books can bring into the classroom, for both teachers and students. While there’s no denying that there are poor quality student books available on the worldwide web,...
Know The Author of your Education Books: Interview with Patrick Lashmar
When searching for student books online, it is always recommended to review the authors and the experience and skill set they bring to the books they write. By doing so, you will be able to get a better understanding of just how valuable the education books are. We want to...
Benefits of Implementing Student Books in the Classroom
Being an educator is tough. Your days don’t start in the classroom, and they certainly don’t end there. Hours can be long due to the large amount of planning that is required. Not only that, but the planning needs to be specific to the curriculum, which can make the task...
Possible Questions for Teacher or Peer Reading Conferences
Select a few questions to begin a dialogue. You do not need to use all of these questions. These conference questions can be put on chart paper and posted in your classroom library. Tell me what your book was about. Why did you select this book? Was your book hard...
The Reading Process
Introduction Reading is not defined as the mastering of small separate skills. Research holds that reading is dynamic: a process by which the reader constructs meaning by interacting with the text. We now know that several interactive factors play dynamic roles influencing the ability to read: prior knowledge of the...
A Teacher's Self-assessment Questionnaire of the Writing Program
Have I taught the children the stages in the writing process? pre-writing, composing, revising, editing, sharing, and publishing Do I encourage pre-writing activities? Do I help the students understand the purpose of each stage in the process? Do I avoid evaluating first drafts for handwriting, spelling, and usage Do I...
What is the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)?
The OSSLT, assesses whether students have the literacy (reading and writing) skills needed to meet the literacy requirement for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).What are the benefits of the test? Besides determining whether a student has the literacy (reading and writing) skills needed to meet the literacy requirement for...
Techniques for Answering OSSLT Open-response Questions
In answering written answer questions, consider the following: Read the entire question before answering Be sure to write on the assigned topic, and in the format requested; off-topic responses may be labelled “non-compliant,” and will result in a lower score Answers must be written in full and correctly written sentences;...